Friday, January 27, 2012

Visiting Dignitaries

Mark and Gary came out this week and were pretty unlucky with the weather, but fortunately their last day was probably one of the nicest so far. We skied around with them for the last couple of days, nice to get away from the park for a few laps. Yesterday we also managed to find a bit of pretty nice powder, surprising since its been so long since it last snowed, I wore the gopro facing backwards for the first time, and I think it came out pretty well!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Days off

We have taken the last 3 days off to try and recover from various injuries, unfortunately it hasn't worked yet, so we went up for a few runs today and my heel is still too ruined for any proper skiing. Fortunately my injury (well the final nail in the coffin) was caught on video, enjoy!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Doing some jumps

The weather has been brilliant recently, sun everyday, so we have been hitting the park quite a lot. I stepped up and managed to do some 360's off the biggest jumps in the park and Jamie did his first ever 360, exciting times! Also we went sledging today on the dedicated sledge run, which I think is about 6km's long, so that was unbelievably fun of course. The chair for the park was shut because of wind... I created a new mini edit today.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Down Days

So I haven't blogged in a while due to non events or poor weather. There have been a lot of days recently where the mountain has been shut, mainly because of wind, but today it was shut most the day due to avalanche risk. Its been a bad week for holiday goers that's all I know. Since the mountain was shut we tried to do a little bit of urban, hitting some stuff in the skate park and we built a wall ride, which turned out pretty well. The weather finally cleared up so we went over to Saas Almagell again, as it had been snowing so the trees would have been sweet. Unfortunately, on the net it said it was all open, but we got there and everything was shut so we hit up the nursery slopes! This did end up with everyone getting a lot more hurt than a normal day though, as some fool decided to build a jump at the side, which I continually wiped out on and then Twig tried to backflip a small rock and got mashed over and over again, check the end of the video for crash section!

And here is the video of the past weeks shenanigans: